Elixir's UI (design)
Design (UI) components

Collection Component

This component is used to render a collection of items. It can be used to render a filters & pagination component for a list of items.


import EccUtilsDesignCollection from '@elixir-cloud/design/dist/react/collection/index';
import EccUtilsDesignCollectionType from '@elixir-cloud/design/dist/components/collection/collection';


  import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
  import EccUtilsDesignCollectionType from '@elixir-cloud/design/dist/components/collection/collection';
  import EccUtilsDesignCollection from '@elixir-cloud/design/dist/react/collection/index';
  export default function collection() {
    const [items, setItems] = useState([]);
    const [search, setSearch] = useState('');
    const [tag, setTag] = useState('');
    const fetchDummyData = async (page, limit, searchString, tags) => {
      const res = await fetch(
          searchString ? `&title_like=${searchString}` : ''
        }${tags ? `&completed=${tags === 'SUCCESS'}` : ''}`,
      const data = await res.json();
      return data.map((item, index) => ({
        index: index + 1,
        name: item.title,
        key: `item-${item.id}`,
        lazy: true,
        tag: {
          name: item.completed ? 'SUCCESS' : 'ERROR',
          type: item.completed ? 'success' : 'danger',
    useEffect(() => {
      const fetchData = async () => {
        const dataInitial = await fetchDummyData(1, 5, '', '');
    }, []);
    const handleExpand = async (e) => {
      // Check if child already exists
      const children = e.target.querySelectorAll(`[slot="${e.detail.key}"]`);
      if (children.length === 0) {
        // Add child to ecc-utils-design-collection
        const res = await fetch(
        const data = await res.json();
        const child = document.createElement('div');
        child.setAttribute('slot', e.detail.key);
        child.innerHTML = `<p>Title: ${data.title}</p>`;
    const handleFilter = async (e) => {
      if (e.detail.key === 'title') {
        const data = await fetchDummyData(1, 5, e.detail.value.toLowerCase(), tag);
        const newItems = data.map((item, index) => ({
          index: index + 1,
          name: item.title,
          key: `item-${item.id}`,
          lazy: true,
          tag: {
            name: item.completed ? 'SUCCESS' : 'ERROR',
            type: item.completed ? 'success' : 'danger',
        e.target.items = newItems;
        if (data.length < 5) {
          e.target.totalItems = data.length;
      } else if (e.detail.key === 'tag') {
        const data = await fetchDummyData(1, 5, search, e.detail.value);
        const newItems = data.map((item, index) => ({
          index: index + 1,
          name: item.title,
          key: `item-${item.id}`,
          lazy: true,
          tag: {
            name: item.completed ? 'SUCCESS' : 'ERROR',
            type: item.completed ? 'success' : 'danger',
        e.target.items = newItems;
        if (data.length < 5) {
          e.target.totalItems = data.length;
    const handlePageChange = async (e) => {
      if (e.detail.page === 3) {
        setTimeout(() => {
            .error('This is an error message of page 3!');
        }, 1000);
      const data = await fetchDummyData(e.detail.page, 5, search, tag);
      for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i += 1) {
        const element = data[i];
        const existingItem = e.target.items.find((item) => item.key === `item-${element.id}`);
        if (existingItem) {
          e.target.items = e.target.items.filter((item) => item.key !== `item-${element.id}`);
        e.target.items = [
            index: (e.detail.page - 1) * 5 + i + 1,
            name: element.title,
            key: `item-${element.id}`,
            lazy: true,
            tag: {
              name: element.completed ? 'SUCCESS' : 'ERROR',
              type: element.completed ? 'success' : 'danger',
      if (data.length < 5) {
        e.target.totalItems = (e.detail.page - 1) * 5 + data.length;
    return (
              key: 'title',
              type: 'search',
              placeholder: 'Search',
              key: 'tag',
              type: 'select',
              options: ['SUCCESS', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'DEFAULT', 'PRIMARY'],
              placeholder: 'Filter by tag',
              selectConfig: {
                // multiple: true,
        onEccUtilsExpand={(e) => handleExpand(e)}
        onEccUtilsFilter={(e) => handleFilter(e)}
        <div slot='item-5'>Child item-5 without lazy loading</div>


itemstrueArrayAn array of items to render
filtersfalseArrayAn array of filters to render
totalItemsfalseNumberThe total number of items in the collection. If not provided, the collection will render pagination without fixed page numbers.
pageSizefalse5NumberThe number of items per pagination.


keytrueStringThe key of the item
indextrueNumberThe index of the item
nametrueStringThe name of the item
lazyfalsefalseBooleanWhether or not the contents of the item should be lazy loaded
tagfalseObjectThe tag to render with the item


keytrueStringThe key of the filter
typetruesearch | selectThe type of the filter.
optionsfalseArrayThe options to render for the filter. Only applicable for select filters.
selectConfig.multiplefalsefalseBooleanWhether or not the select should allow multiple selections. Only applicable for select filters.
placeholderfalseStringThe placeholder to render for the filter.


Event NameReach Event NamePayloadDescription
ecc-utils-page-changeEccUtilsPageChangeEvent{ page: Number }Fired when the page is changed.
ecc-utils-expandEccUtilsExpandEvent{ key: String }Fired when an item is expanded.
ecc-utils-filterEccUtilsFilterEvent{ key: String, value: String }Fired when a filter is applied.


Method NameArgumentsDescription
setPage()pageCan be used to set the page of the collection.
error()messageCan be used to display error alert to the user.


Slot NameDescription
${items.key}The contents of the item. This slot will be named after the key of the item provided by the items property.


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